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描写马车的句子 12个 描写马车驶过的场面

1. A magnificent horse-drawn carriage rolled down the winding road, catching the eye of everyone who saw it.

2. The galloping of the four magnificent horses pulled the luxurious carriage gracefully through the busy streets.

3. The carriage creaked as it rolled over the uneven terrain, the wheels clattering against the cobblestones.

4. With its gilded detailing and plush velvet seats, the ornate carriage looked fit for royalty.

5. The coachman skillfully weaved through the crowded market square, expertly maneuvering the carriage through the throngs of people.

6. The horses' hooves clattered against the cobblestones as the carriage made its way down the bustling street.

7. The carriage's lanterns flickered in the afternoon breeze, casting a warm glow on the ornate gold detailing.

8. The carriage was adorned with intricate carvings and ornate decorations, it a true work of art.

9. The carriage's interior was luxurious, complete with plump cushions, plush velvet ds, and golden tassels.

10. The horses pulled the carriage effortlessly, their coats gleaming in the bright sunshine as they trotted down the road.

11. The coachman wore a smart uniform and a top hat, and expertly guided the horses with precision and skill.

12. The carriage's grand appearance attracted the attention of passersby, who stopped to stare in awe.

13. The sound of the horses' hooves ecd through the quiet countryside as the carriage made its way down the winding dirt road.